OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Association shall be to promote scientific knowledge of Medical Microbiology and its related subjects, to plan and execute projects for the advancement of this knowledge, to improve education in Medical Microbiology and to promote any programme of professional and ethical standing of medical microbiologists in India.
RULES AND REGULATIONS: MEMBERSHIP: The Association shall consist of Honorary, Founder, Life and Ordinary members. HONORARY MEMBERS: Persons of special distinction of Medical Microbiology shall be eligible for election as Honorary Members, the number of which shall be limited to twenty. Honorary Members, pay no subscription to the Association. They have all the privileges of Ordinary Members except the right to vote, and the right to nominate Members to, or to serve on the Council of the Association. Honorary Members shall be elected by not less than three fourth votes of the Council following nomination by two Council Members. FOUNDER MEMBERS: Persons of standing in Medical Microbiology, interested and associated with theinitial formation of the Association and who have donated a sum of Rs.250.00 each upto December 1977, shall be the Founder Members. They will have the same rights,and privileges as those of the Life Members. LIFE MEMBERS: Persons above the age of fifty years who have deposited Rs.500.00 each, or those below the age of fifty years, but having at least five years standing in this profession, and have deposited Rs. 1000.00 each, shall be the Life Members. They will been titled to all the privileges of Ordinary Members. ORDINARY MEMBERS:
a) Persons engaged in the study of Medical Microbio1ogy with M.B.B.S. or postgraduate qualification in the speciality shall be eligible for nomination as Ordinary Members. They will pay an annual subscription. b) Candidates for election to the Association as Ordinary Members shall send to the Secretary the details of their qualifications on the special form provided for this purpose. Each application must be supported by at least two Ordinary /Founder/Life Members who have personal knowledge of the candidate or by the Council. The Council may also nominate candidates. c) When a person has been elected as Honorary, Founder, Life or Ordinary Member of the Association, the Secretary shall inform him of his election and shall send him a copy of the Rules. d) An Ordinary Member shall pay an annual subscription of Rs.150.00. The subscription shall be payable in advance and shall become due on 1st January in each year. e) Ordinary Members shall not be admitted to any of the' privileges of the Association until after payment of the first annual subscription. f) Resignation of a member shall be sent in writing to the Secretary and the members so resigning shall be liable for the payment of his annual subscription for the current year, together with any arrears upto the date of tendering his resignation. g) Any Ordinary Member whose subscription is two years in arrears and who has been duly notified of the fact, shall, if the Council sees fit, cease to be a member of the Association. h) The Council may recommend the exclusion of an Ordinary Member from the Association if in the opinion of the Council the interests of the Association require it. Such recommendation must be submitted at an Annual General Meeting and shall become effective if two thirds of those voting are in its favour. i) Each Ordinary Member shall have the right to vote on all questions submitted to any meeting of the Association at which the member is present.
a) The Association shall hold ordinary meetings at which scientific papers shall be communicated and the ordinary business of the Association transacted. The quorum of such meetings shall be one third of the total membership. There shall also be an Annual General Meeting at which the Secretary and the Editor shall present their reports. The Treasurer shall present duly audited accounts. Vacancies among the officers and the Executive Council shall be filled and a firm of auditors appointed. Atleast six weeks notice shall be given of any meeting and notice of any resolution must reach the Secretary atleast three weeks before meeting. The quorum Annual at General Meetings shall be one third of the total membership. b) Members may introduce visitiors to the Ordinary meeting of the Association and to meetings of the specialist groups of the Association. c) All members shall sign their names and also enter the names of any visitorswhom they may introduce, in an attendance book which shall be kept bythe meetings Secretary. d) A visitor introduced by a member may submit a scientific communication to the Association. e) The Council may, whenever it thinks fit, convene other General Meetings, which shall be called extraordinary General Meeting, and it shall convene an extraordinary General Meeting on the request in writing of not less than thirty ordinary members to the Secretary. Such requests will state the purpose for which the meeting is required. f) The Council may invite any Scientific Association to participate in ordinary meeting.
a) The business of the Association shall be conducted by Executive Council. In any matter concerning interpretation of the rules the decision shall rest with the Executive Council The Executive Council shall decide all matters concerning the Association which are not covered explicitly by the rules. The Executive Council shall meet as and when necessary and also one day before the Annual General Meeting. The quorum for all Executive Council Meetings shall be three. b) The Executive Council shall consist of the President, Secretary Treasurer, Editor, Joint Secretary, Associate Editor and a minimum of six or maximum of nine members. When number of Council Members reaches eleven, the quorum shall be six. In special circumstances additional members may be co-opted to the Executive Council, but they shall not have the right to vote. c) The Officers of the Association shall be a President, Secretary, . Treasurer, Editor, Associate Editor of Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology and Joint Secretary. The President,. Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Associate Editor and Joint Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive Council from the Founder, Life and Ordinary Members of more than five years continuous membership of the Association. i) The President shall preside on all Annual General Body Meetings. In his absence, the senior most member of the Executive Council shall take the chair. The President shall be appointed for one year and shall not be eligible for re appointment before three years have elapsed after the previous term. ii) The Secretary shall conduct all the affairs of the Association, He/she will make all the arrangements of the meetings. He/she will keep a list of all members of the Association and send the notices to all of them regarding meetings, vacancies, invite nominations, etc. He/She will carry out all the duties concerned with the efficient running of the Association. The secretary shall present its reports at the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall be appointed for a period of not more than three years. He/She shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the same post before three years have elapsed after the previous term. iii) The Treasurer shall be appointed for the period of not more than three years. He/She shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the same post before three years have elapsed after the previous term. iv) The Editor shall carry out all the editorial duties for the publication of the Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. The Editor may not serve for more than three years generally. His/her term may be extended but not more than a further period of three years. v) Joint Secretary shall be appointed for a period of not more than three years. He/she shall not be eligible to appointment to the same post before three years have elapsed after the previous term. vi) Not less than six months before the expiry of the tenure of any officer, the President shall ask the member the Executive Council for nominations for the officer concerned. Such nominations must be proposed and seconded by the members of the Executive Council, who must previously have obtained the consent of nominee. The election of the Officers i.e President Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Associate Editor and Joint Secretary shall be held at the time of next meeting of the Executive Council by the members of the Executive Council and the results be announced at the next Annual General Meeting. vii) In case of any incidental vacancy, the senior most elected member of the Executive Council shall perform the duties of the President till the next statutory meeting. The President may nominate persons from among the members of the Council to perform the duties of Secretary, Treasurer or Editor as the case may be till the next election. d) Each year one third of elected ordinary members of the Executive Council, senior in order of election shall retire from office and shall not be eligible for re-election until after the lapse of two years. The names of the Executive Council members and of the retiring members shall be printed in a notice by the Secretary not later than six months before the Annual General Meeting Nomination for the membership of Executive Council may by made by any two Founder/Life/Ordinary Members and shall reach the Secretary atleast three months before the Annual General Body Meeting. Such nominations must be accompanied by a written intimation from the nominee that he/she is willing to serve. Candidates for election to the membership of the Executive Council must have been members of the Association for at least five years continuously. If necessary the Secretary shall send to each Founder, Life and Ordinary member a ballot paper containing: 1) The names of the Executive Council Members 2) The names of retiring members and 3) The names of those nominated to fill the vacancies. The ballot papers duly filled should reach the Secretary at least four weeks before the next Annual General Meeting. The Executive Council shall appoint two tellers for all ballots who will declare the result at the Annual General Meeting.
a) The business of the Association shall be conducted by Executive Council. In any matter concerning interpretation of the rules the decision shall rest with the Executive Council The Executive Council shall decide all matters concerning the Association which are not covered explicitly by the rules. The Executive Council shall meet as and when necessary and also one day before the Annual General Meeting. The quorum for all Executive Council Meetings shall be three. b) The Executive Council shall consist of the President, Secretary Treasurer, Editor, Joint Secretary, Associate Editor and a minimum of six or maximum of nine members. When number of Council Members reaches eleven, the quorum shall be six. In special circumstances additional members may be co-opted to the Executive Council, but they shall not have the right to vote. c) The Officers of the Association shall be a President, Secretary, . Treasurer, Editor, Associate Editor of Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology and Joint Secretary. The President,. Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Associate Editor and Joint Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive Council from the Founder, Life and Ordinary Members of more than five years continuous membership of the Association.
i) The President shall preside on all Annual General Body Meetings. In his absence, the senior most member of the Executive Council shall take the chair. The President shall be appointed for one year and shall not be eligible for re appointment before three years have elapsed after the previous term. ii) The Secretary shall conduct all the affairs of the Association, He/she will make all the arrangements of the meetings. He/she will keep a list of all members of the Association and send the notices to all of them regarding meetings, vacancies, invite nominations, etc. He/She will carry out all the duties concerned with the efficient running of the Association. The secretary shall present its reports at the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall be appointed for a period of not more than three years. He/She shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the same post before three years have elapsed after the previous term. iii) The Treasurer shall be appointed for the period of not more than three years. He/She shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the same post before three years have elapsed after the previous term. iv) The Editor shall carry out all the editorial duties for the publication of the Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. The Editor may not serve for more than three years generally. His/her term may be extended but not more than a further period of three years. v) Joint Secretary shall be appointed for a period of not more than three years. He/she shall not be eligible to appointment to the same post before three years have elapsed after the previous term. vi) Not less than six months before the expiry of the tenure of any officer, the President shall ask the member the Executive Council for nominations for the officer concerned. Such nominations must be proposed and seconded by the members of the Executive Council, who must previously have obtained the consent of nominee. The election of the Officers i.e President Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Associate Editor and Joint Secretary shall be held at the time of next meeting of the Executive Council by the members of the Executive Council and the results be announced at the next Annual General Meeting. vii) In case of any incidental vacancy, the senior most elected member of the Executive Council shall perform the duties of the President till the next statutory meeting. The President may nominate persons from among the members of the Council to perform the duties of Secretary, Treasurer or Editor as the case may be till the next election.
d) Each year one third of elected ordinary members of the Executive Council, senior in order of election shall retire from office and shall not be eligible for re-election until after the lapse of two years. The names of the Executive Council members and of the retiring members shall be printed in a notice by the Secretary not later than six months before the Annual General Meeting Nomination for the membership of Executive Council may by made by any two Founder/Life/Ordinary Members and shall reach the Secretary atleast three months before the Annual General Body Meeting. Such nominations must be accompanied by a written intimation from the nominee that he/she is willing to serve. Candidates for election to the membership of the Executive Council must have been members of the Association for at least five years continuously. If necessary the Secretary shall send to each Founder, Life and Ordinary member a ballot paper containing:
1) The names of the Executive Council Members 2) The names of retiring members and 3) The names of those nominated to fill the vacancies. The ballot papers duly filled should reach the Secretary at least four weeks before the next Annual General Meeting. The Executive Council shall appoint two tellers for all ballots who will declare the result at the Annual General Meeting.
a) The Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists shall publish the INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY. The Editor of this journal shall be appointed by the Council for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re- appointment on the recommendation of the Executive Council. b) The Association shall publish the proceedings of the Association notices of meetings, a list of members and any other publications as shall be considered appropriate.
a) Under the requirements of Section 4 of the Society Registration Act, the list of members of the Executive Council shall be filled once every year in the office of the Registrar of Societies. b) Under the requirement of Section 6 of the Society Registration Act, the Executive Council shall nominate a member of the Executive Council to represent the Association in the proceedings in any legal suits filed against the Association. c) Under the requirement of Section 12 and 12-A of the Society Registration Act, the rules of the Association can be altered only at an Annual General Meeting and only after notice has been given atleast two months previously. No alteration shall be made unless three fifths of those voting are in its favour. d) Under the requirements of Section 13 and 14 of the Society Registration Act.: Section 13: Dissolution of the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists may be effected if three-fifths of total membership of the Association votes for it. Section 14: Remaining assets of the Association shall not be paid between the members but shall be handed over to other Association as per the provisions of Section 14 of the Society Regulation Act.
AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION (IAMM NEWSLETTER, JAN. 2003) Life Membership amount increased to Rs. 2000 w.e.f. January, 2003 Ordinary (Annual) members will be charged Rs. 500/- as annual fee which includes subscription to IJMM. Postgraduate (PG) members will be charged Rs. 250/- as annual fee without subscription to IJMM and no voting rights. However, they will receive IAMM Newsletter.
It was discussed to have two types of membership instead of the present three types. Fees were revised accordingly from 2024. Associate membership would be for students or post doc fellows with Medical Microbiology as core subject. It would be valid for one financial year (April to March 31st of next year). Life membership would be given to medical postgraduates only (those with MD/DNB Microbiology or MBBS with PhD Medical Microbiology).